Sign up now to book sessions with tutors . To sign up press the log in button in upper right corner.
Step One:
Fill out the application found on the Application page under the tab "Become a Tutor Today". Keep in mind that there are several prerequisites to being a tutor:
a GPA of at least 3.5
grade level of 9th grade or higher
the student must have an "A" in the class they wish to tutor
Step Two:
If you are approved to tutor, you will receive a confirmation email after completing and submitting the application, followed by an orientation email. It is crucial that you read this orientation email as well as the Tutors Code of Honor, both of which may be found in the documents section.
Step Three:
If you are in grade 9 or above, you must submit the volunteer service approval paperwork, as stated in the orientation email. Questions about this step can be emailed to students4studentsbvs@gmail.com or you can contact a member of the club directly (which you will be able to contact as soon as Step two is done).
This step in the process of becoming a tutor is critical, especially if the student wants to earn service hours while tutoring students.
Step Four:
The final stage in becoming a tutor is to get training in the Zoom atmosphere and become a Zoom moderator, which allows individuals to set up their own virtual office.
You are now an official tutor after completing this stage! Congratulations!